

Ola everyone!
This is gonna be a little diary of my 3 awesome days in Singapore last week, started from sunday, the arriving day. but I'll separate it in some posts, cause I have many to tell :)
"Why did you suddenly go to singapore? what did you do in Singapore?" Well, I can tell you a lil bit.. I was invited to a very huge event named "INFLUENCE ASIA 2015" .

Influence Asia is Asia's largest social media award, hmm it's kinda like grammy awards to picture you the idea (lol). This year is happpened to be the first Influence Asia ever. I was invited because I became the nominee of two categories from more than 6 categories day have, like FASHION, SPORT/HEALTH, FOOD, YOUTUBE PERSONALITY, LIFESTYLE, PARENTING, and so on .
I was nominated for FASHION and LIFESTYLE categories. They flew me over from Germany for this event but I had to stop for awhile in Indonesia before singapore to prepare everything for this event and planned some exciting things to do  in Singapore with my working partner- Hijup.com , as I happened to be their Brand Ambassador at the moment. It's been so hectic for me these last couple months, I fly here and there, move from continents to continents, events to events,  but I am ejoying my schedule so much! I really do.
How grateful I am for these opportunities, feel blessed.

Let me start this diary from day 1 in Singapore, The arriving day.
I was accompanied by kak Silmia from Laiqa Magazine during my stay in Singapore. I was so happy because this time I am not all alone by myself haha, I got someone to be with everywhere I go, miss you anyways kak mia, xoxo.
We arrived pretty early in Singapore, almost at 10 in the morning, We had to be in Singapore earlier because we already arrange a gathering with some of the Singaporean ladies, some of 'em are bloggers, designers, students, an editor of a magazine in Singapore, and Hijup.com loyal customers. We arrange a Sunday brunch with hijup.com and Indah Nada Puspita ( me!) at a very cute cafe named La Marelle. If you are based in Singapore, or visitting Singapore at the moment and want to go to a cafe with delicious meals and interesting cute place, give this place a try! La Marelle Cafe.

We had a lovely time together, sharing, and getting to know each other, It's always interesting to meet new people and hear their stories. cause Everyone is inspiring.
So Thankyou Hijup.com and Laiqa Magazine for bringing us together. I hope to see you all again sometime. Goodluck! xo
not to forget, we did so many selflies , hehe.

Here is what I was wearing to our fun sunday brunch. since I went straight from to airport I just wore my airport outfit. I choosed something simple and loose to stay comfortable during the flight and to move here and there easily. so I choose this tunic from hijup.com and it saves my life, still looking stylish tho :) paired it with grey pants and headscarf, comfortable black pedro shoes and put my bright pink lipstick on ( I actually am not really into pink bright lipstick, I am just not brave enough to wear bright couloured lipstick but that day I

thought.. why not )

... to be continued

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